1998. Is that really Pat in there?
William Loring
William Loring school picture
Mono Lake
Mono Lake, 2003. Tom, Jodi, Pat, and Jamie Lent, and Martha Crusius
Martha, Tom, and Jamie
Martha Crusius, Tom Lent, and Jamie Lent
Needs Identification
Maybe Jamie?
Jackie Victor Invitation
“Do You Know This Woman?” (holding “Don’t Buy War Toys” sign)
“If you answered yes, come cheer Jackie Victor on her way to new adventures in a life beyond SANE/FREEZE! A party hosted by the Williamsons.” Friday the 13th!
Needs Identification
Two nice ladies on the couch!
Estes Park
Photo of the mountains in Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes, Colorado. Cut from a trail map brochure.
Tom and Martha
Tom Lent and Martha Crusius
Happy Warriors
Protesting US aid to death squads in Central America. Doug Lent, Tom Lent, Elizabeth Loring, William Loring, Pat Lent, Martha Crusius. 1980s.
Jean Mehlenbacher
Jean Mehlenbacher foraging in the woods.
Doug and Pat in the Mountains
Doug and Pat Lent in the mountains, recreating their honeymoon trip. On the back is written “Escalamos la montaña.”
Peace Action of Michigan
Pat Lent and Sister Rita Mary Olszewski with the Peace Action of Michigan banner in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
Liliana, December 2001, age 3-1/2
Deb and Group
Needs identification!
Need identification!
She’s in a lot of the photos, so I know she was a good friend…
Elizabeth Loring
Elizabeth Loring, senior year of high school, 1979.
The Detroit Peace Group
Pat Lent with the Detroit Peace Group. (Is that Sister Rita Mary, third from left?)
Sister Rita Mary Olszewski
Card from Sister Rita Mary Olszewski’s funeral.
Martha and Tom's Wedding
Martha Crusius and Tom Lent get married!