Statue of Liberty on a cordless phone: “Well, it all depends. Where are all these huddles masses coming from?”
Happy Warriors
Protesting US aid to death squads in Central America. Doug Lent, Tom Lent, Elizabeth Loring, William Loring, Pat Lent, Martha Crusius. 1980s.
Stop Contra Aid
Sticker: Stop Contra Aid
Martin Luther King
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968
PIRGIM button. “PIRGIM is a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. For decades, we’ve stood up for consumers, countering the influence of big banks, insurers, the oil industry, and other powerful special interests.”
Boycott Grapes
Button: Boycott Non-United Farm Workers Grapes, with the UFW eagle logo, probably 1970.
Nixon Eats Lettuce
Button: “Nixon Eats Lettuce” with the eagle logo of the United Farm Workers. From the 1970 “Salad Bowl Strike.”
Stop Contra Aid
Tag from a demonstration: “Stop Contra Aid.”
Part of the Solution
Button: “If You Are Not Part of the Solution, You Are Part of the Problem” —Eldridge Cleaver
Button: “I am a card-carrying member, ACLU”
Under a Misconception
Pro-Choice Button: No Woman Should Labor Under a Misconception.
Urban Home Companion
A Doonesbury cartoon about homelessness.
U.S. Intervention & Apartheid
A badge reading “Stop U.S. Intervention in Central America & End Apartheid in South Africa, Oct. 4, 1987.”